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Gain control over debilitating fears and phobias in as little as three sessions.

Jake Naude (DSFH)
Clinical Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist

Fears & Phobias

Hypnotherapy for Fears & Phobias

  • Relax - empty the 'stress bucket'

  • Rewind - dissolve the emotion

  • Reframe - change the way you see it

Do you suffer from a fear or phobia and are you ready to put it behind you?


NLP's famous Fast Phobia Cure is a fast and effective treatment that can be carried out easily and safely over Zoom.


We are all born with two hardwired fears; the fear of falling and the fear of sudden loud noises. We need these two instinctual fears to keep us safe.


All other fears and phobias are learned and because they are learned, they can just as easily be unlearned.


Using a combination of very effective techniques it is possible to fetch the first, worst, and most recent memory of a phobia, remove the emotion, and put it safely back. The next time the memory is retrieved, it will not trigger the same old emotional response.


As well as treating the memories, we can also reset the response pattern in the brain.


Using this very effective combination of techniques we can treat fears and phobias in three one-hour sessions. In the first session, we RELAX and empty the stress bucket. In the second session, we REWIND to dissolve the emotional component. In the third session, we REFRAME to change the way we feel about the fear/phobia.


Results are predictable, safe, and fast!


Fears and phobias can manifest in just about any guise and can range in intensity and type from manageable to debilitating and everywhere in between. Many sufferers cope by avoiding their stimuli and triggers, but for some this may, for many reasons, become problematic if not impossible. To successfully treat phobias Solution Focused Hypnotherapy first establishes whether we are dealing with a single or perhaps multiple phobias and whether a phobia is non-specific or specific.


Specific phobias would be a fear of spiders, flying, etc and if you are suffering from a specific fear or phobia You will be pleased to know that we can help you - usually in 3 sessions. We utilise a modern, very effective, and comfortable technique called ‘Rewind’.


The process consists of the Initial Consultation where we discuss your situation and discuss in some detail how the brain works - particularly how and why we can suffer from fear responses and what we can do about it - and three further sessions, a Relaxation session, a Rewind session, and a Reframe Session. The Initial Consultation, Relaxation, Rewind and Reframe process only takes four weeks and is safe and painless. If there is a very good cause for doing so, this four-week period could be reduced significantly and still have a very high success rate.


Non-specific phobias would be things like panic attacks, agoraphobia, social phobia, etc, and or the presence of negative habits, depression, or high levels of stress. Non-specific phobias would usually require about 8-10 sessions of a combination of general Solution Focused Hypnotherapy where a range of modern and successful methods would be employed.


If you have a fear or phobia, whether it is specific or non-specific, if it’s getting in the way of your life and you want to be free from it please call me to discuss further or click here to request your appointment.


Book your Free Initial Consultation (50 min)

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